The Crawling World. Episode 6: The Best Way Out, Is Always Through

FEB 14, 202510 MIN
'bominable 'bominations

The Crawling World. Episode 6: The Best Way Out, Is Always Through

FEB 14, 202510 MIN


The group makes its way through the tunnels underneath the mountain, towards the marshes of the Grey Grease. Wes and Lithee are isolated from the main group, and encounter strange phenomena. Garm goes to investigate. Huw, Ra and Asher share a story.

Part 6 of a multi-part series.


  • Andrew Winson as Fork-in-the-Road
  • Thomas Barker as Athamas
  • Jesse D. Hill as Longarm
  • Emily Morse-Lee as Wide-Eye
  • Melissa Carrington as Split-Heel
  • Virtue as Hears-Whispers
    X: @VirtueVestigial

Produced and written by Thomas Barker

Queries, comments? Write to me at:

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