Interview with an Alien
Interview with an Alien

Interview with an Alien

Gavin Kai



Formerly known as "Drunk & Philosophical Podcast"

Interview with an Alien was created around the idea that people no longer engage in deep conversations on a daily basis. As I get older, I've started to notice majority of my conversations are very shallow. Whether it's with a co-worker, an old friend I haven't seen in a few months or even with family at the dinner table.

"It's looking like it might rain."
"How was work?"
"Did you hear Lisa's second removed cousin's brother is engaged?"

Okay that last one was a bit of a stretch, but you get my point. If you take a minute right now & really think about all of the conversations you've had in the last few days, are they all shallow & insignificant? Maybe 90% ... or 80%. With the rapid advancement in technology it's no surprise our conversations have progressively gotten more boring. People are addicted to screens in the most unhealthy way (me included). Why would I have a conversation about the weather when I can watch a video of a person running into an active tornado? The fact that a large number of people can't even drive from point A to B without checking their phone, is enough evidence. Our addiction to screens is negatively impacting our day to day conversations... 

Which is why, I created something that gets you more hooked to your screens ... a podcast lol. Interview with an Alien is all about engaging in deep conversations to add some excitement to our day to day. You can pick anyone of the hundreds of questions we've discussed on Interview with an Alien & spark up a conversation with them. Watch as a thrilling conversation unfolds in front of you, providing a deeper connection with the person you're talking to. Get to know the people around you on a deeper level ... OR ... don't. Instead, listen to my friends & I unravel thought provoking theories & concepts.

Who knows, you might just learn a thing or two ... but probably not. What I can 100% guarantee is this, by listening to Interview with an Alien, you will have fun & be entertained! If you made it this far, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart & tell you: "YOU'RE A F***ING LEGEND!"

Recent Episodes

#78 - Addiction 💊
OCT 6, 2024
#78 - Addiction 💊

🧟 Early Access to my Zombie Novel - Remember Us

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This Week's Questions:

  1. If someone is addicted to something that society deems beneficial, like work or fitness, is it still classified as an addiction or does it become an obsession?

  2. Can addiction be seen as a misguided search for meaning or fulfilment?

  3. Do you think everyone has an addiction to something, whether it’s extreme like cocaine or subtle like social media?

  4. Are some people born more prone to addiction than others? 

  5. Can addiction be considered a logical choice if it provides temporary escape from an unbearable reality?

  6. Is addiction a failure of individual willpower, or a consequence of societal pressures and environment? 

  7. Do you think that you have a personal addiction & if so what is it?

31 MIN