019: How to keep the romance alive in your Christian marriage

NOV 12, 202318 MIN
You and Me and Jesus: A Christian Marriage Podcast

019: How to keep the romance alive in your Christian marriage

NOV 12, 202318 MIN


<p><strong>Full show notes: <a href="https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/YMJ019">https://MorningMindsetMedia.com/YMJ019</a>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>There is a reason that adultery and fornication are such "biggie" sins - it's because sexual relations is a covenental "sign" that means a lot more than most couples think. Listen to learn about the importance of the sexual aspects of your marriage and hear our suggestions for how you can keep the romance alive!</p> <hr /> <p>โ“ <strong>ASK A QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED ON THIS PODCAST</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://YouAndMeAndJesus.com">https://YouAndMeAndJesus.com</a> and SCROLL down the page a bit.</strong></p> <p>๐Ÿ‘ <strong>SUPPORT THE WORK WE'RE DOING</strong> <a href="https://morningmindsetmedia.com/support/">https://morningmindsetmedia.com/support/</a></p> <p>๐ŸŽง Listen to our sister podcasts:</p> <ul> <li>God Fearing Kids and the Parents Who Raise Them: <a href="http://GodFearingKids.com">http://GodFearingKids.com</a></li> <li>The Morning Mindset Daily Christian Devotional: <a href="http://YourMorningMindset.com">http://YourMorningMindset.com</a></li> </ul> <p><!-- notionvc: ec6da3b6-6e13-48d5-a559-b13d915cb025 --></p>