DRIVE MIND w/ Matt Oberg

MAY 10, 202329 MIN

DRIVE MIND w/ Matt Oberg

MAY 10, 202329 MIN


The self-driving car that can behave morally at 75 MPH. Should your car swerve into traffic to avoid a stroller, or hit and run and hope for the best? Self-driving cars face these kinds of questions every mile, and Drive Mind's advanced artificial intelligence can answer them. Founder Louis Taylor (Matt Oberg) has built a robust moral driving architecture that can weigh the value of a possum crossing the road versus a stalled van full of professional gamers, and Noa decides to take it for a test drive to see if it's road ready. Can Noa help Drive Mind pull onto the onramp of success, or will a bump in the road prove fatal to Drive Mind's ambitions?


CEO Louis Taylor … Matt Oberg
Noa Lukas … Sam West
Elena Lin … Zoe Chao
Tom “Woz” Joyce … Mark Proksch
Head Engineer … George Kareman
FBI Agent Clark … Matt Klinman
Louis Taylor’s Lawyer … Lauren Adams
Cloud Refugee … Cathryn Mudon
Newscasters … Kelly Husdon, David Gerson, Lauren Adams, George Kareman, Julia Smith


Created/Written by: Matt Klinman, Chris Sartinsky, Sam West
Directed by: Matt Klinman and Sam West
Executive Producers: Matt Powers, Jeff Ross, Adam Sachs
Producers: Hanna Armour and Julia Smith
Casting: Hanna Armour, JP Buck, Matt Powers
Senior Director of Business Development: Willie Navarre
Legal: David Melmed


Smartr was produced by Western Sound
Executive Producer: Ben Adair
Technical director: Dan Leone
Editor and sound designer: Dan Leone
Assistant editor: Audrey Ngo
Mix Engineer: Johnny Vince Evans
Assistant engineer: Chaz Sexton
Production assistants: Annet Rangel, Jefferson Yen