Exposing the Gaps in the Missing Person's Public Alert System: How One Family’s Story Inspired a New State Law That Could Go National

MAY 30, 202430 MIN
Untold Stories: Black and Missing

Exposing the Gaps in the Missing Person's Public Alert System: How One Family’s Story Inspired a New State Law That Could Go National

MAY 30, 202430 MIN


When Rashawn Williams went missing it took four days for his case to be investigated even though he was reported missing an hour after he wandered away from his caregivers.  The 31-year-old has down syndrome and is nonverbal.  Still no alert was ever issued.  Rashawn was lucky he survived six days without food and water and was reunited with his family. (Listen to Rashawn’s story here)  That miracle inspired his family to push the state of Maryland to create a law enacting purple alerts which protect people with cognitive impairments that often are not covered by other alerts. Our experts weigh-in on why there should be a national purple alert law.