Alien: Romulus is the latest installment of the Alien franchise, stretching back to Ridley Scott's original sci-fi horror flick from 1979. Taking place between Alien and James Cameron's sequel, Aliens, this film takes the franchise into the teen slasher genre by featuring a young cast and a compelling set-up to their encounter with the xenomorphs. However, once the action starts, Alien: Romulus quickly devolves into the equivalent of a theme park ride of the franchise's first two films, with some bits and pieces of Prometheus thrown in for good measure.  Director Fede Álvarez nails the visuals and creates a beautiful, haunting movie, but also presents a story that we've all seen before.
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Nerd Legion

Last Free Nation

ALIEN ROMULUS: Fresh Sci-Fi Horror or What We've Seen Before?

AUG 27, 202480 MIN
Nerd Legion

ALIEN ROMULUS: Fresh Sci-Fi Horror or What We've Seen Before?

AUG 27, 202480 MIN


Alien: Romulus is the latest installment of the Alien franchise, stretching back to Ridley Scott's original sci-fi horror flick from 1979. Taking place between Alien and James Cameron's sequel, Aliens, this film takes the franchise into the teen slasher genre by featuring a young cast and a compelling set-up to their encounter with the xenomorphs. However, once the action starts, Alien: Romulus quickly devolves into the equivalent of a theme park ride of the franchise's first two films, with some bits and pieces of Prometheus thrown in for good measure. Director Fede Álvarez nails the visuals and creates a beautiful, haunting movie, but also presents a story that we've all seen before.

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