Following its accidental launch, the Astraeus returns to Eureka and the crew discovers that, while they thought they were gone for short time, four years had elapsed. The crew quickly learns leadership has changed, procedures have changed, and relationships have changed while they were gone, and none of it for the good.<br />
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Join us for our discussion of the season premiere of season 5, Lost, which originally aired on April 16, 2012. It was written by Jaime Paglia and directed by Matt Hastings.   <br />

Eureka Rewind

TV Rewind Network | Stephanie Zimmer | Fred Firestine | David Handlos | Miranda Thomas

ER065 – Lost – Eureka S5E1

DEC 2, 202434 MIN
Eureka Rewind

ER065 – Lost – Eureka S5E1

DEC 2, 202434 MIN
