While humans have been using geothermal heating and cooling since the Paleolithic era, it has only recently gained popularity and acceptance as a cleaner energy source that can reduce traditional costs by 20% or more. Over the next 30 minutes, you will hear Jimmy Leask, Director of Marketing & Business Development at British Columbia-based Geotility, a 50-year-old business that has become a geothermal leader, developing and delivering comprehensive sustainable energy systems.

SHURE Initiative

SHURE Initiative

Geothermal Technology 101 for Building Owners

SEP 7, 202337 MIN
SHURE Initiative

Geothermal Technology 101 for Building Owners

SEP 7, 202337 MIN


While humans have been using geothermal heating and cooling since the Paleolithic era, it has only recently gained popularity and acceptance as a cleaner energy source that can reduce traditional costs by 20% or more. Over the next 30 minutes, you will hear Jimmy Leask, Director of Marketing & Business Development at British Columbia-based Geotility, a 50-year-old business that has become a geothermal leader, developing and delivering comprehensive sustainable energy systems.