Listen to Taster Tale 07, The true kiss of Mezcal - Part 2. An interview with Othon Canales, mezcalier and Global Brand Ambassador of Mezcal Amarás. <br /><br />Othón expands concepts around the Mezcal's warm and lands Mezcal's flavor identity as he explains the difference between Mezcal and Tequila. This part of the conversation leads us to what a mezcal tasting would be like. <br /><br />Othón works daily to exalt @mezcalamaras from Mexico to the world Othón is an Agave Spirits Advisor certified by the Agave Spirits Institute. He is a taster with a wide range of knowledge in other sectors, such as coffee and beer. Barista, Marketing expert, and beer sommelier are also part of his profile as a taster. To contact Othón, e-mail him at<br /><br />Taster Tales is released organically rather than on a set schedule. So stay tuned. Our collection of conversations continues in English and Spanish. There is more to come. Thank you for listening. <br />Contact us at:<br /><br />Any brands mentioned in this Podcast are for educative and informative purposes.<br />Drink with a sense of respect for yourself, others, and what you have in your glass.<br /><br />Music Credits:<br />TRACK: Weightless By Liqwyd Music provided by RFM Royalty Free Music Library Video Link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>Autor: Hyde - Free Instrumentals Título: Acoustic/Folk Instrumental - Mumford &amp; Sons InspiredCodex: Prehispanic MusicMusic provided by HearWeGo (<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjdrZW10Vmd2ZFRmSG9PcnVDbHJjdEd2ZTJQZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsWUpMTTkzY1lxMno0ajBkSm81VDlFUmlYUXF4WkdMNnlBRHRIeElkMkt6Y0w3a0otNnZaaGVIN1lsQ1pqcVFUX25HT0tXQ1YyMWRQRC1fSzcxc0NNVWhsUWh2QU4zb0paVFBoNmx1cjFqc2hiZkJGbw&amp;;v=R--mHbVUUhs" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>) Artist: Victoriya Title: Two Years Listen on YouTube: <a href=";t=0s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>

Taster Tales

Monica R Bolek

Taster Tale 07. The true kiss fo Mezcal - Part 2.

MAR 31, 202323 MIN
Taster Tales

Taster Tale 07. The true kiss fo Mezcal - Part 2.

MAR 31, 202323 MIN


Listen to Taster Tale 07, The true kiss of Mezcal - Part 2. An interview with Othon Canales, mezcalier and Global Brand Ambassador of Mezcal Amarás. <br /><br />Othón expands concepts around the Mezcal's warm and lands Mezcal's flavor identity as he explains the difference between Mezcal and Tequila. This part of the conversation leads us to what a mezcal tasting would be like. <br /><br />Othón works daily to exalt @mezcalamaras from Mexico to the world Othón is an Agave Spirits Advisor certified by the Agave Spirits Institute. He is a taster with a wide range of knowledge in other sectors, such as coffee and beer. Barista, Marketing expert, and beer sommelier are also part of his profile as a taster. To contact Othón, e-mail him at [email protected]<br /><br />Taster Tales is released organically rather than on a set schedule. So stay tuned. Our collection of conversations continues in English and Spanish. There is more to come. Thank you for listening. <br />Contact us at: [email protected]<br /><br />Any brands mentioned in this Podcast are for educative and informative purposes.<br />Drink with a sense of respect for yourself, others, and what you have in your glass.<br /><br />Music Credits:<br />TRACK: Weightless By Liqwyd Music provided by RFM Royalty Free Music Library Video Link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>Autor: Hyde - Free Instrumentals Título: Acoustic/Folk Instrumental - Mumford &amp; Sons InspiredCodex: Prehispanic MusicMusic provided by HearWeGo (<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjdrZW10Vmd2ZFRmSG9PcnVDbHJjdEd2ZTJQZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsWUpMTTkzY1lxMno0ajBkSm81VDlFUmlYUXF4WkdMNnlBRHRIeElkMkt6Y0w3a0otNnZaaGVIN1lsQ1pqcVFUX25HT0tXQ1YyMWRQRC1fSzcxc0NNVWhsUWh2QU4zb0paVFBoNmx1cjFqc2hiZkJGbw&amp;;v=R--mHbVUUhs" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>) Artist: Victoriya Title: Two Years Listen on YouTube: <a href=";t=0s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>