Tod and Claire come off of a multi-month hiatus, and dive right back into watching and overexplaining everything about the beloved early 80s Gen-X staple prime time action-scifi-comedy show, The Greatest American Hero.In, "Here's Looking at You, Kid," the third episode of season one, Ralph and Bill must find and recover a top secret fighter plane gun sight, which has fallen into the hands of the renegade mercenary, McCready. Also, Ralph meets Pam's parents, played by June Lockhart (what a hug...

Hot For Teacher

Huge Success, LLC

Here's Looking At You, Kid

APR 9, 202466 MIN
Hot For Teacher

Here's Looking At You, Kid

APR 9, 202466 MIN


Tod and Claire come off of a multi-month hiatus, and dive right back into watching and overexplaining everything about the beloved early 80s Gen-X staple prime time action-scifi-comedy show, The Greatest American Hero.

In, "Here's Looking at You, Kid," the third episode of season one, Ralph and Bill must find and recover a top secret fighter plane gun sight, which has fallen into the hands of the renegade mercenary, McCready. Also, Ralph meets Pam's parents, played by June Lockhart (what a huge get!) and Bob Hastings (also not bad!).

This TGAH episode first aired April 1, 1981, two days after President Ronald Reagan was shot, and the episode was hastily edited to blank out Mr. H's last name while ABC figured out what to do with their title character who happened to share the last name of the would-be assassin.

Claire and Tod also talk about loads of other things, like invisibility trick photography, Casablanca (which, like The Invisible Man, ALSO features Claude Rains), Superman (and ABC's successful defense against Warner Brothers and DC Comics), the hateful stereotype of Brooklynites being coded as stupid, George Costanza's answering machine  greeting, and so much more. An hour more!

Goofs: I'm pretty sure we say it's a CBS show. It's not. It's an ABC show. But that doesn't much matter here in the future, where you can watch it for free with ads, thanks to Tubi:

This podcast episode was first released April 9, 2024. I imagine someone will want to know that in the distant future when people do holocasts that review old podcasts from the 21st Century.

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