The Government Technology Insider Podcast
The Government Technology Insider Podcast

The Government Technology Insider Podcast

Government Technology Insider



Welcome to the Government Technology Insider Podcast. Join us as we explore the intersection where innovation meets the mission. Our guests will explain the strategies, challenges, and successes government agencies experience as they adopt cutting-edge technologies.

In each episode, we'll bring you engaging interviews with industry leaders, and technology experts who are at the forefront of helping government IT leaders solve the challenges they face today. We’ll talk about a wide range of topics including digital government initiatives, cybersecurity threats, the impact of cloud computing, and how AI is changing how agencies will work.! You will gain valuable knowledge on how to put technology to work to drive the mission forward. This is your comprehensive one stop shop to grow your understanding of the ever-evolving government technology landscape.

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Recent Episodes

Ep 136 - Human-Centric AI/ML Solutions are Reshaping Cyber Defenses for Federal Agencies
JUN 12, 2024
Ep 136 - Human-Centric AI/ML Solutions are Reshaping Cyber Defenses for Federal Agencies
<p>In the ongoing discourse surrounding the <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="Hyperlink SCXW203135154 BCX0" href="">use of AI</a>, the world stands at a crossroads. While some herald AI as a transformative force, poised to revolutionize various domains, others harbor concerns about its potential to replace human roles. Amidst this debate, a profound realization emerges: the most impactful advancements in AI arise from a fusion of human ingenuity with machine learning (ML), embodying a human-centric approach. Rather than viewing AI as a threat to human relevance, forward-looking innovators recognize its potential as a tool for augmenting human capabilities. By prioritizing the development of human-centric AI/ML solutions, the federal government is working toward a future where technological progress harmonizes with human intellect and judgement the power of AI lies not in its capacity to render humans obsolete, but in its ability to amplify and enhance our collective potential. </p><p>In the second part of this <em>Government Technology Insider </em>podcast, Amir Bagherpour, PhD, Managing Director at Accenture Federal Services, rejoined host Lucas Hunsicker to further explore the dynamic world of cybersecurity, focusing this time on the symbiotic relationship between human expertise and <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="Hyperlink SCXW203135154 BCX0" href="">AI/ML tools</a>. </p><p>Bagherpour highlighted the critical role of AI and ML in automating repetitive tasks, enhancing threat detection, and accelerating the cognition process for cybersecurity professionals. As agencies explore the <a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="Hyperlink SCXW203135154 BCX0" href="">human-centric AI/ML solutions</a> currently available, industry partners play a vital role in driving innovation and facilitating the adoption of cutting-edge technologies within the federal government. As cybersecurity continues to be a primary concern, collaboration between government agencies and industry partners is essential in fortifying defenses to ensure the resilience of critical systems against evolving cyber threats. </p>
17 MIN