Beyond Society's Mold: Empowering Women to Do it Their Way, with Marybeth

OCT 7, 202458 MIN
Release Your Inner Power Podcast

Beyond Society's Mold: Empowering Women to Do it Their Way, with Marybeth

OCT 7, 202458 MIN


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Come and meet Marybeth,

Marybeth is a self-diagnosed ADHDer who loves French Fries and the beach. She is a confidence coach who is passionate about helping women break out of the box society says they’re supposed to fit into and start living a life that lights them up. 

Her goal is to help women become fierce through messy action, baby steps, and cultivating confidence. 

Some of what we talk about below. 

  • She works in corporate, has a coaching business and a podcast.
  • Shares about her past and how she felt like she didn’t really fit in and fitting in didn’t really work for her anymore. 
  • Embracing that she is ok with not being normal, and figuring out everything for herself. 
  • Talks about going on trips by herself and choosing to wear what she wants. 
  • Has been told from other people that she is  brave and confident, she shares that she is getting there by doing the trip and wearing what she wants and shaving her hair. 
  • She has 4 little sisters that she wants to guide and help them not go through the same things that she did. She believes that if she can do it, you can do it. 
  •   Its’s about doing it messy and then looking back to see what you have done. When she stated embracing the work is not going to be easy but she doesn’t let the fear  hold her back anymore.
  • She talks about taking the first step of the hardest and is the most important then breaking things down to manage baby steps is how you can get things to happen.
  • How she gave herself permission to do her own thing in her own way. This is when she started to see different things that were working for her.
  • Being you and coming out of your shell even a little bit, you start to have more meaningful relationships that are real!
  • What society wants women to be, and the role they are molded to. And how much women really have to offer and how they can change or help others.
  • Remember to take the baby steps, make it manageable and encourage people to come and do the things that light you up.
  • Being ok with all the opportunity that you have in front of you and doing something different- just do something and not get stuck in the thinking about it.

Your Host: Shauna B is a Mindset Coach, Mom of 3, Podcast Host and Adventure Seeker. Below are ways to connect more with her and tools to boost your week. If you loved this episode leave a review or send her a quick message.

Shauna helps women that feel overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities, burn out and can struggle with big life changes like a new career, divorce, or empty nest. She guides through these changes, helping you establish stability, healthier work-life balance so you can enjoy more fun moments in your life and live be design!

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Thank you for listening.