The Lost Horizon reaches the rendezvous point. Rob's escape makes Ricky suspicious of Dylan, who goes with Olivia to meet The Envoy. Alex's ex offers to help her reunite with Ignota, and Morgan learns the truth about Lucas Wright...
Created by Jon Rolfe
Featuring Elliott Brotherhood, Samantha Cooper, Devon Chandler, Alex Eller, Gerald Hill, Whitney Holland, Griffin Puatu, Omri Rose, Ryan Smith, Chelsea Krause, John Kennard, Ryan Perera & Sarah Ruth Thomas.
Sound Design & Audio Engineering by Kathryn Stanley
Show Artwork by O2bri
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Close Your Eyes

Cryptic Radio

The Prodigal Daughter | S2E6

DEC 4, 202437 MIN
Close Your Eyes

The Prodigal Daughter | S2E6

DEC 4, 202437 MIN


The Lost Horizon reaches the rendezvous point. Rob's escape makes Ricky suspicious of Dylan, who goes with Olivia to meet The Envoy. Alex's ex offers to help her reunite with Ignota, and Morgan learns the truth about Lucas Wright...


Created by Jon Rolfe

Featuring Elliott Brotherhood, Samantha Cooper, Devon Chandler, Alex Eller, Gerald Hill, Whitney Holland, Griffin Puatu, Omri Rose, Ryan Smith, Chelsea Krause, John Kennard, Ryan Perera & Sarah Ruth Thomas.

Sound Design & Audio Engineering by Kathryn Stanley


Show Artwork by O2bri

Support us on Patreon or follow us on X(Twitter), Instagram, or TikTok @crypticradiopod