In this episode of the 'Pfeffer on Power' podcast, host Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, is joined by Gina Bianchini, CEO & Co-Founder Mighty Networks. 

Gina brings her expertise on how effective communication can elevate your leadership. Drawing fascinating parallels between political figures and startup founders, Gina and Jeffrey explore the importance of inspiring confidence and maintaining energy, even in the face of setbacks. 

Gina reveals the significant advantages of building a dedicated community space using Mighty Networks over a Facebook group. She candidly shares the challenges and triumphs she faced while building her company, emphasizing the value of resilience and persistence in the tech world. 

Gina also puts Jeffrey in the hot seat with a question of her own about the power dynamics at play on the biggest political stage possible and Jeffrey shares his thoughts on the power principles at play in the presidential race. 

Pfeffer on Power is produced by University FM.

Pfeffer on Power

Jeffrey Pfeffer

The Power of Persuasive Leadership with Gina Bianchini

AUG 28, 202428 MIN
Pfeffer on Power

The Power of Persuasive Leadership with Gina Bianchini

AUG 28, 202428 MIN


In this episode of the 'Pfeffer on Power' podcast, host Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, is joined by Gina Bianchini, CEO & Co-Founder Mighty Networks. 

Gina brings her expertise on how effective communication can elevate your leadership. Drawing fascinating parallels between political figures and startup founders, Gina and Jeffrey explore the importance of inspiring confidence and maintaining energy, even in the face of setbacks. 

Gina reveals the significant advantages of building a dedicated community space using Mighty Networks over a Facebook group. She candidly shares the challenges and triumphs she faced while building her company, emphasizing the value of resilience and persistence in the tech world. 

Gina also puts Jeffrey in the hot seat with a question of her own about the power dynamics at play on the biggest political stage possible and Jeffrey shares his thoughts on the power principles at play in the presidential race. 

Pfeffer on Power is produced by University FM.

Episode Quotes:

On the vision of Mighty Networks

08:09: How do we create the conditions through software, which actually scales to everybody on the planet with a phone, with a computer, with access to the digital network of the internet? How do we actually use software to make those connections so that anybody can join a community and instantly feel welcome, instantly meet the most interesting people, and certainly the people who are the most relevant to what they want to accomplish or the transition that they're in and navigating? That's our vision. And so what we do at Mighty Networks is we offer a software platform that anybody can show up and create a Mighty Network and choose a community, courses, events, challenges, being able to bring those different things together that ultimately create a network that gets more valuable to every member with each new person who joins and contributes.

The drive behind Mighty Networks

17:13: I think what has really kept me going in the context of Mighty Networks is: I very much want to live in this world. I want to live in a world where every creator, every brand, every person who wants this incredibly powerful asset to be able to make a living, to have an impact, to help people. It's too important to be set back. And it's too important to leave it up to the people that would otherwise do it. And is there ego involved in that? Probably. That's okay. Like, that's what allows me to get up tomorrow morning and move this forward, then embrace it.

On building a future of connected communities and personal growth

25:11: My main motivator is I want to live in this world where we have, brick by brick, bit by bit, created this future where people are members of amazing communities that are powered by software and AI that was not even possible six months ago. And how I define success is being surrounded every day with people who are interesting, curious, ambitious, and bring to the picnic something I can learn from.

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