<p>It all proper kicks off on Mischief Night as the people of Icklewick are seduced by bloodthirsty but undeniably fit bigot, Sharon L’Beech. Police Chief Caehole joins Chris and Amy in the studio to discuss precautions.</p><p>Amy’s desperate to protect her unruly cousin Tan from the mob uprising, and having never stayed up so late before Chris is really snoozy!</p><p>As the dramatic events unfold, will IcklewickFM survive to hear the Mischief Bell toll?</p><p>Created and written by Chris Cantrill and Amy Gledhill with additional material from the cast.</p><p>Starring:</p><p>Lucy Beaumont
Jen Brister
Tom Burgess
Tai Campbell
Janice Connolly
Phil Ellis
Colin Hoult
Em Humble 
Katia Kvinge
Alex Lowe
Ed Night
Nimisha Odedra
Steen Raskopoulos 
Nicola Redman
Mark Silcox
Shivani Thussu</p><p>Sound Design and Music by Jack Lewis Evans.
The Line Producer is Laura Shaw.</p><p>Produced by Benjamin Sutton.</p><p>Icklewick FM is A Daddy’s SuperYacht Production for BBC Radio 4.
—-</p><p>Credits</p><p>Created and written by Chris Cantrill &amp; Amy Gledhill with additional material from the cast.
Sound Design and Music by Jack Lewis Evans
Line Producer by Laura Shaw
Produced by Benjamin Sutton 
Lucy Beaumont
Kat Bond
Jen Brister
Tom Burgess
Tai Campbell
Janice Connolly
Phil Ellis
Ninette Finch
Colin Hoult
Em Humble 
Katia Kvinge
Alex Lowe
Ed Night
Nimisha Odedra
Ben Partridge
Steen Raskopoulos 
Nicola Redman
Mark Silcox
Shivani Thussu
Johnny White Really Really</p><p>IcklewickFM is a Daddy’s Superyacht for BBC Radio 4.</p>


BBC Radio 4

6. The Mob

MAR 6, 202428 MIN

6. The Mob

MAR 6, 202428 MIN


<p>It all proper kicks off on Mischief Night as the people of Icklewick are seduced by bloodthirsty but undeniably fit bigot, Sharon L’Beech. Police Chief Caehole joins Chris and Amy in the studio to discuss precautions.</p><p>Amy’s desperate to protect her unruly cousin Tan from the mob uprising, and having never stayed up so late before Chris is really snoozy!</p><p>As the dramatic events unfold, will IcklewickFM survive to hear the Mischief Bell toll?</p><p>Created and written by Chris Cantrill and Amy Gledhill with additional material from the cast.</p><p>Starring:</p><p>Lucy Beaumont Jen Brister Tom Burgess Tai Campbell Janice Connolly Phil Ellis Colin Hoult Em Humble Katia Kvinge Alex Lowe Ed Night Nimisha Odedra Steen Raskopoulos Nicola Redman Mark Silcox Shivani Thussu</p><p>Sound Design and Music by Jack Lewis Evans. The Line Producer is Laura Shaw.</p><p>Produced by Benjamin Sutton.</p><p>Icklewick FM is A Daddy’s SuperYacht Production for BBC Radio 4. —-</p><p>Credits</p><p>Created and written by Chris Cantrill &amp; Amy Gledhill with additional material from the cast. Sound Design and Music by Jack Lewis Evans Line Producer by Laura Shaw Produced by Benjamin Sutton Cast: Lucy Beaumont Kat Bond Jen Brister Tom Burgess Tai Campbell Janice Connolly Phil Ellis Ninette Finch Colin Hoult Em Humble Katia Kvinge Alex Lowe Ed Night Nimisha Odedra Ben Partridge Steen Raskopoulos Nicola Redman Mark Silcox Shivani Thussu Johnny White Really Really</p><p>IcklewickFM is a Daddy’s Superyacht for BBC Radio 4.</p>