Bryon Kershaw
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Note: Sorry about my (Bryon's) audio from this episode! I was dealing with awful bronchitis, but wanted to push on with getting the recording done!
Having survived a meeting with Hammer Doug, the investigators return to the Camp Bar to rest and regroup... but the troll's anger continues to rise. Sofie shares a connection. Julian bugs out. Doctor Jensen shares the rewards of petty larceny.
Listen to Invisible Histories at and find more podcasts from the Umbrella Podcast Collective at
Our opening theme is “Myths and Legends” by Robert Bruckmayer which you can pick up at his bandcamp or stream on Spotify. Our episode music is created by Andreas Lundström. You can hear more of his work on the Sweden Rolls podcast or on Spotify.
Do you have questions or comments about the show? Send them to [email protected], we would love to hear them!