Day 281 Envy The Wise | Proverbs 24:1-4

OCT 9, 20243 MIN

Day 281 Envy The Wise | Proverbs 24:1-4

OCT 9, 20243 MIN


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Envy The Wise


Don’t envy evil people
     or desire their company.

For their hearts plot violence,
     and their words always stir up trouble.

A house is built by wisdom
     and becomes strong through good sense.

Through knowledge its rooms are filled
     with all sorts of precious riches and valuables.

Verses 1 and 2 warn us not to be jealous of evil people. Why would anyone envy them? Because sometimes it seems like wicked people are successful. The proverb doesn’t say it directly, but it implies that in the end, God will punish wickedness.

Verses 3 and 4 highlight how much understanding, wisdom, and knowledge from God can achieve. While evil might win for a moment, God’s wisdom builds things that are beautiful, useful, and long-lasting.

Think about this: Not too long ago, some car engineers figured out how to cheat emissions tests to save money on design costs. Management found out but didn’t report it because they were making a lot of money. This went on for years until independent tests exposed the cheating. The people involved wanted quick success in a corrupt company, but in the end, the company paid billions in recalls and fines, and the cheaters lost their jobs.

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