Episode 10: Unveiling ZIM with Mwewa Besa

MAY 20, 202455 MIN
The Marketing Pulse Podcast

Episode 10: Unveiling ZIM with Mwewa Besa

MAY 20, 202455 MIN


<p>Join us for an in-depth conversation with Mwewa Besa as he reflects on his term as President of ZIM, shares his vision for the institute, and discusses its significant milestones and future direction. This episode covers:</p><p><br></p><p>๐Ÿ”น Leadership and Vision: Mwewa Besa's vision for ZIM and steps to enhance marketing excellence.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Institute's Achievements: Key accomplishments and ZIM's contributions to the advancement of marketing in Zambia.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Global Standards: Comparison with other marketing institutes in Africa and initiatives to align with global standards.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Collaborations and Partnerships: Notable global partnerships and their impact on professional development.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Challenges and Solutions: Strategies to address challenges and adapt to the evolving digital landscape.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Professional Development: Support for young marketers and ongoing professional development initiatives.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Industry Impact: Contributions of ZIM members to marketing and support for national SDGs.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Membership Engagement: Efforts to foster community and collaboration among marketing professionals.</p><p>๐Ÿ”น Future Outlook: The future direction of ZIM and plans to meet the changing needs of the marketing industry.</p><p><br></p><p>Don't miss this insightful discussion on the future of marketing in Zambia and beyond. Watch now and be inspired by the achievements and vision of the Zambia Institute of Marketing.</p><p><br></p><p>Connect with us on social media: Facebook - The Marketing Pulse, Instagram - @themarketing_pulse. For inquiries, email us at [email protected].</p>