In 1692, a witch hunt began in Salem Village. The hunt soon grew to shocking proportions, with more than 150 people accused. Even Salem's former minister, Reverend George Burroughs, wasn't safe: in April, he was named as a wizard. In the face of a terrified population and a government desperate for control, would Burroughs's ministerial status be enough to save him from the noose?
***This is the final episode of season 1 of History on Trial! To keep updated on the show, follow our Instagram @historyontrial and subscribe to our newsletter at
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In 1854, a gruesome murder rocked the Oregon Territory. Charity Lamb stood accused of killing her husband, Nathaniel, with an axe. Newspapers called Charity a monster and speculated on her marriage. But there was more to the story. Would Nathaniel's history of physically abusing Charity convince jurors that she had acted in self-defense?
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It's 1932, and Thalia Massie's husband, Tommie, and mother, Grace, are getting frustrated with what they see as the failings of the Hawaiian justice system. Soon they decide to take matters into their own hands. When events take a deadly turn, will Tommie and Grace's connections help them evade punishment? Or will Hawai‘i itself suffer the consequences of these visitors' actions?
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In 1931, Thalia Massie, a white woman, told Honolulu police that she had been raped by a group of Hawaiian men. Police quickly zeroed in on five young men who'd been involved in a fight earlier that night. But there was a problem: the suspects had ironclad alibis. In the face of a political establishment determined to get convictions for Thalia Massie’s rape, would the truth be a good enough defense?
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In 1881, the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday faced the Clantons and the McLaurys in the Old West's most famous showdown: the gunfight at the O.K. Corral. When the smoke cleared, three men lay dead. Some called it Western justice. But would Western justice suffice as a defense when one of the survivors took the Earps and Holliday to trial for murder?
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