WikiLeaks - a pivotal moment to reshape journalism
DEC 31, 2010-1 MIN
WikiLeaks - a pivotal moment to reshape journalism
DEC 31, 2010-1 MIN
“A rare thing – a Dave Winer soliloquy – about the line between people who welcome WikiLeaks and those who fight it. And the distractions.”
Dave’s thoughts on the ongoing WikiLeaks story and how it represents a “reformation of journalism”. He argues that there is a clear divide between those who are willing to use the leaked information and those who are not: Dave is firmly on the side of using the information. He criticizes the New York Times for not being more supportive of WikiLeaks and the First Amendment, and calls out the hypocrisy of companies like Amazon and PayPal for banning WikiLeaks while allowing other news outlets to cover the leaks. Dave believes the leaks could expose important information that the public needs to know, even if it makes some powerful people uncomfortable. Overall, Dave sees the WikiLeaks story as a pivotal moment that will reshape journalism going forward.