Introducing SNAFU: MEDBURG

AUG 15, 202432 MIN
Broomgate: A Curling Scandal

Introducing SNAFU: MEDBURG

AUG 15, 202432 MIN


<p>From the Executive Producers of Broomgate comes SNAFU, a show about history’s greatest screw-ups, hosted by actor, writer, and comedian Ed Helms. Today we’re excited to share the first episode of Season 2: MEDBURG. In 1971, a courageous group of activists broke into an FBI office and stole files containing J. Edgar Hoover's deepest, darkest secrets. How did their actions forever upend everything Americans knew about their country's most powerful law enforcement agency? Keep listening and then search SNAFU in your favourite podcast app: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p>