Intergalactic Improv Initiative
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I Should Roll Bonus Content, Episode One
The Boss is Gone... Who's Next?
Kaya's off doing... something... and someone has shown up to fill the void, as it were. That's fine, right?
cast, in order of vocal appearance:
Kaya Renwick - Narrator and NPCs
Lea Lawson - Tayli, the PA, Athena Hellier
ISR support team - Goons One, Two, and Three
Hans Cummings - Zynamondan
Chase Hutchison - Gratch
Dan Spitaliere - Jesse Westcott
Leah Ryan - Bean Gainian
Amanda Cotter - Clous
Tiff Compton - Ravanor Vraga
Ché Grové - Titoh Raas
JD Kelly - Kache
Alanya Campbell - Solace-Within-Clay
Hunter LaPaglia - Carver Fairbank
Maria Damianou - Nyxandra Lalliri
I Should Roll is a production of the Intergalactic Improv Initiative. It is created by Kaya Renwick and produced by JD Kelly. Sound design by Lea Lawson and Kaya Renwick.
All music is used under either a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence, the Pixabay Content Licence, or the Universal Music for Creators licence. Sound effects not produced in-house are used under the same licences.
detailed scene credits
Welcome to Calliope Station: Drive to Triumph, Sergio Prosvirini/Pixabay
Opening Credits: Future Logo, Aleksandr Karabanov/Pixabay; Why Are We Still Here?, Marco Belloni/Pixabay
This One Has Plans: Middle of the Night, Alper Omer Esin/Pixabay
Not That Leg!: Spy Always Dies Along, Pixabay
The One That Gets Really Meta If You Think About It: Secret Mission, Aleksej Sudnikov/Pixabay Nice Try, Hackett: Old Friends from Manhattan, Maksym Dudchyk/Pixabay
Can You Hear Me Now?: Ambient Fashion Style, music_for_video/Pixabay
Existential Crisis, Ho: Video Timelapse, Yurii Semchyshyn/Pixabay
I Feel Like "Buginese" is Offensive: Let the Mystery Unfold, Geoff Harvey/Pixabay
Got This in the Bag: Tokyo Drift, Leigh Robinson/Pixabay
Wrong Door: Investigate, Jiwon/Pixabay
He's a Nice Guy: Inspiring Cinematic Ambient, Aleksey Chistilin/Pixabay
You Pissed Off the Wrong Krogan: Mystery - Suspect, Ribhav Agrawal/Pixabay
Nothing to See Here: Night Phonk, Artsiom Bialou/Pixabay
End Credits: Wild Splatter, Vlad Krotov/Pixabay