"The Vigil" is a horror gem that gives us a different take on the classic demonic antagonist formula. It's a haunting chiller that employs unsettling-yet-familiar sets and dramatic tension to explore the depths of grief and guilt. Ambi and special guest Peri were definitely crept out by this one.

Afraid of the Dark Side

Ambi Satterthwaite

Episode 21: Keeping "The Vigil"

JUL 24, 202441 MIN
Afraid of the Dark Side

Episode 21: Keeping "The Vigil"

JUL 24, 202441 MIN


"The Vigil" is a horror gem that gives us a different take on the classic demonic antagonist formula. It's a haunting chiller that employs unsettling-yet-familiar sets and dramatic tension to explore the depths of grief and guilt. Ambi and special guest Peri were definitely crept out by this one.