<p>In the sixth episode of SILVERTONGUES, Roscoe and Tavi squad up with rebels of Kalalani to break Kai’s hold on the island. </p>
<p>Silvertongues is produced by Acorn Arts &amp; Entertainment. Written by Michael Alan Herman &amp; Josie Eli Herman. Directed by Josie Eli Herman. Associate producer Christopher Nelson.</p>
<p>Original scoring by Jesse Haugen. Please check out his website: https://www.jessehaugen.com/</p>
<p>Featuring music by Scott Buckley. <strong>&#39;</strong>Hiraeth&#39; by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au</p>
<p>Featuring music by Fuzzeke. <strong>&#39;</strong>Plan A&#39; by Fuzzeke</p>
<p>Featuring music by Tunetank. <strong>&#39;</strong>Flying in the Clouds&#39; by Tunetank</p>
<p>If you enjoyed our show and thought it was worth the price of a cup of coffee, please throw us a buck at: https://www.acornartsandentertainment.com/silvertongues or join our Patreon at: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/acornartsandentertainment/">https://www.patreon.com/acornartsandentertainment/</a> </p>
<p>This episode stars (in order of appearance)</p>
<p>Will Myers as Seth Budarocci</p>
<p>Michael Alan Herman as Kai and Darcy</p>
<p>Savannah Jordan as Rebeccah the Radio Intern</p>
<p>Dan Johnson as Roscoe Talbott</p>
<p>Sabrina Dahlgren as Tavi Jones</p>
<p>Callie Bussell as Anika Perry</p>
<p>Collin Wojcik as The Gas Station Clerk</p>
<p>Annie Dilworth as Fargo Kaminski</p>
<p>Josie Eli Herman as Tasch</p>
<p>Dale Dobson as the Pilates Team Leader</p>
<p>Jalen Wilson-Nelem as Officer Lennon</p>
<p>Daniel Santillana as Elio Perry</p>
<p>Reach out to us:</p>
<p>Email: <a href="mailto:acornartsandentertainment@gmail.com">acornartsandentertainment@gmail.com</a></p>
<p>Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/silvertonguespodcast/">https://www.instagram.com/silvertonguespodcast/</a></p>
<p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/silvertonguesthepodcast/">https://www.facebook.com/silvertonguesthepodcast/</a></p>
<p>Threads: <a href="https://www.threads.net/@silvertonguespodcast">https://www.threads.net/@silvertonguespodcast</a></p>
<p>X.com: <a href="https://twitter.com/silvertonguesp">https://twitter.com/silvertonguesp</a></p>


Acorn Arts and Entertainment

Episode 6 - Love In the Time of Rebellion

SEP 19, 202426 MIN

Episode 6 - Love In the Time of Rebellion

SEP 19, 202426 MIN


<p>In the sixth episode of SILVERTONGUES, Roscoe and Tavi squad up with rebels of Kalalani to break Kai’s hold on the island. </p> <p>Silvertongues is produced by Acorn Arts &amp; Entertainment. Written by Michael Alan Herman &amp; Josie Eli Herman. Directed by Josie Eli Herman. Associate producer Christopher Nelson.</p> <p>Original scoring by Jesse Haugen. Please check out his website: https://www.jessehaugen.com/</p> <p>Featuring music by Scott Buckley. <strong>&#39;</strong>Hiraeth&#39; by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au</p> <p>Featuring music by Fuzzeke. <strong>&#39;</strong>Plan A&#39; by Fuzzeke</p> <p>Featuring music by Tunetank. <strong>&#39;</strong>Flying in the Clouds&#39; by Tunetank</p> <p>If you enjoyed our show and thought it was worth the price of a cup of coffee, please throw us a buck at: https://www.acornartsandentertainment.com/silvertongues or join our Patreon at: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/acornartsandentertainment/">https://www.patreon.com/acornartsandentertainment/</a> </p> <p><br></p> <p>This episode stars (in order of appearance)</p> <p>Will Myers as Seth Budarocci</p> <p>Michael Alan Herman as Kai and Darcy</p> <p>Savannah Jordan as Rebeccah the Radio Intern</p> <p>Dan Johnson as Roscoe Talbott</p> <p>Sabrina Dahlgren as Tavi Jones</p> <p>Callie Bussell as Anika Perry</p> <p>Collin Wojcik as The Gas Station Clerk</p> <p>Annie Dilworth as Fargo Kaminski</p> <p>Josie Eli Herman as Tasch</p> <p>Dale Dobson as the Pilates Team Leader</p> <p>Jalen Wilson-Nelem as Officer Lennon</p> <p>Daniel Santillana as Elio Perry</p> <p><br></p> <p>Reach out to us:</p> <p>Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p> <p>Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/silvertonguespodcast/">https://www.instagram.com/silvertonguespodcast/</a></p> <p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/silvertonguesthepodcast/">https://www.facebook.com/silvertonguesthepodcast/</a></p> <p>Threads: <a href="https://www.threads.net/@silvertonguespodcast">https://www.threads.net/@silvertonguespodcast</a></p> <p>X.com: <a href="https://twitter.com/silvertonguesp">https://twitter.com/silvertonguesp</a></p>