In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History
In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History

In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History

Attorney J Craig Williams and Legal Talk Network



Ten famous court cases come to life through reenactment of actual conversations preserved through trial transcripts and court reporters to explore the foundations of our current legal systems.

Recent Episodes

Evolution vs. Creationism; How the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial Gained Nationwide Attention
NOV 19, 2024
Evolution vs. Creationism; How the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial Gained Nationwide Attention
Dayton, Tennessee, catapulted into the national spotlight in 1925 after a young teacher challenged a state law banning the teaching of evolution, transforming the town into a chaotic carnival of ideas and fervent beliefs.  Re-live the spectacle as Clarence Darrow, a relentless advocate for scientific thought, squared off against William Jennings Bryan, the stalwart defender of religious tradition. Feel the tension as the courthouse brimmed with heated exchanges, each argument pushing the boundaries between faith and reason. Witness how Darrow’s razor-sharp cross-examination exposed deep questions about literalism and learning, creating ripples that reverberated far beyond the courtroom.  Though Scopes was found guilty, the trial carved out a legacy of debate that echoes in America’s dialogue on education and freedom to this day LINKS: Sign up for our newsletter so that you’re the first to know when new episodes drop! Listen to J. Craig Williams’ other podcast, Lawyer 2 Lawyer. Tell us what you’re looking forward to the most for this show on LinkedIn, Facebook, X or Instagram! Purchase the e-book. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOICE ACTORS: Kevin McGrath as Judge Raulston Ken Sutherland as Rev. Cartwright Scott Well as Clarence Darrow Jon Enge as Rev. J.P. Massingill Darren Aitken as Attorney Malone Troy Starr as Atty General Stewart Jud Pierce as Superintendent White Daniel Singer as William Jennings Bryan Evan Dicharry as The Appeals Court Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
49 MIN
The Chicago Black Sox Trial: How 8 Players Went From the Dugout to the Courtroom
OCT 15, 2024
The Chicago Black Sox Trial: How 8 Players Went From the Dugout to the Courtroom
The infamous cheating scandal from the 1919 World Series, between the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds, broke America’s belief in the purity and innocence of baseball. As the story slowly unfolded, it became filled with all the colorful characters you’d expect from 1920s America: baseball players with catchy nicknames, short-tempered gangsters/gamblers immaculately dressed in business pinstripe suits, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters with flowery descriptions of the trial as if itself was a baseball game, and even New York mob boss Arnold Rothstein, who was alleged (but never proven …) to be the impetus of the scandal. Unfortunately, the Black Sox trial transcripts were lost long ago, requiring modern-day historians to rely on newspaper reports of trial testimony, which sometimes were sensationalized for their readers and at other times were directly contrary to one another. From this reality, admittedly many of the facts about the scandal we examine in this episode are (true to this show’s title) In Dispute. LINKS: Sign up for our newsletter so that you’re the first to know when new episodes drop! Listen to J. Craig Williams’ other podcast, Lawyer 2 Lawyer. Tell us what you’re looking forward to the most for this show on LinkedIn, Facebook, X or Instagram!  Purchase the e-book.    SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOICE ACTORS: Todd Berger as Eddie Cicotte Brandon Harpold as Shoeless Joe Jackson  Adam Lockwood as Carl Victor Little Alan Chudnow as “Sleepy Bill” Burns Chad Trudeau as James “Ropes” O’Brien Dennis Kennedy as David Zelzer  Tom Mighell as Al Spink Jim Brady as Commissioner Landis  Lily Spader as Newspaper Journalist #1 Nathan Todhunter as Newspaper Journalist #2 Thomas Wolfe as Radio Broadcaster #1 Cari Lockwood as Radio Broadcaster #2 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
49 MIN
The Wild West in Court: Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday’s Fight for Freedom After the O.K. Corral
SEP 17, 2024
45 MIN