7. Science talk in SPANISH 🧬 ¿Qué pasa en nuestro CEREBRO cuando consumimos drogas PSICODÉLICAS? (Advanced Spanish Listening Comprehension)

SEP 17, 202416 MIN
Spanish Synapse: Mind & Science in SPANISH (ASMR Slow Spanish)

7. Science talk in SPANISH 🧬 ¿Qué pasa en nuestro CEREBRO cuando consumimos drogas PSICODÉLICAS? (Advanced Spanish Listening Comprehension)

SEP 17, 202416 MIN


Do you ever feel like you're trapped in your own mind, reliving moments from the past or constantly worrying about the future?

Well, you're not alone, depression and anxiety are more common than you might think.

And psychedelic drugs can help us treat this type of mental disorder.


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This is a production of Spanish Connection Academy, the Spanish learning video podcast for curious minds, travelers and science lovers.

⚠ Remember... I am a biologist, not a doctor or psychologist. What I share with you is based on my experience, scientific research (papers), and professional education. So if you require mental or emotional help, I suggest you go to a professional.