How can I miss you when you won't go away?

OCT 2, 2024-1 MIN
DW's Podcast0 feed

How can I miss you when you won't go away?

OCT 2, 2024-1 MIN


<p>This episode was recorded on <a href="">October 1, 2004</a>. </p><p>Today's Trade Secrets is about everything of importance to the world today.</p><p>The only thing we missed is Jon Stewart's outburst about the President's "group of folks" line. Group of folks? Group of folks?, Stewart raged. A group of folks is what you run into at the Olive Garden. The President was referring to Osama bin Laden and the group of worldwide terrorist... folks. Okay.</p><p>At no extra cost, a few little soliloquys, nothing earth shaking, just little ones.</p><p>And oh yea. Mt St Helens.</p><p>PS: <a href="$71">Debate transcript</a>.</p><p><a href="">52 minute podcast</a>.</p>