Dr Ioana Mulipola
Penina is a non-government organization supporting Samoan/Pacific people in NZ, especially mental health consumers. In this episode Senior Social Worker Toa Tavita Gafoi will talk about Penina Trust and the different services available for the Pacific community.
Ole auaunaga a le Penina Trust e mo tagata Pasefika i totonu o NZ. O Penina Trust e fesoasoani ile atunu'u i so'o se vaega tau ile si'osi'omaga i le lotoifale ma feso'otaiga ma isi auaunaga e aoga mo le soifua to'a filemu ole mafaufau. Aemaise fesoasoani mo aiga.
Te Whatu Ora : https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/
Faugagana Podcast: https://faugaganapodcast.buzzsprout.com/