<p>Assistant Content Director, Radio Announcer and DJ Nate Bongiovanni chose a more recent song, and a very specific performance of it. </p>
<p>You can hear Nate&#39;s pick and everyone else&#39;s sob songs, official playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/115yUz1t6WCqhS61U3qmLM?si=2eb2jzouTcqLy_iSOjbKUA&amp;pi=a-MhQH-esQQmCG


Sob to the Beat

Emily Tresidder

Nate Bongiovanni

SEP 10, 202413 MIN
Sob to the Beat

Nate Bongiovanni

SEP 10, 202413 MIN


<p>Assistant Content Director, Radio Announcer and DJ Nate Bongiovanni chose a more recent song, and a very specific performance of it. </p> <p>You can hear Nate&#39;s pick and everyone else&#39;s sob songs, official playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/115yUz1t6WCqhS61U3qmLM?si=2eb2jzouTcqLy_iSOjbKUA&amp;pi=a-MhQH-esQQmCG </p>