<p>Composer Aidan Tulloch is fascinated by the physical process of making music – but fears he knows very little. He gains a unique insight from some of the most precise and gifted technicians in the country – members of the Association of Blind Piano Tuners. Aidan traces their journey into this field, goes along to their annual curry lunch, and finds out why the highly skilled craft of piano tuning was once a popular career for blind and partially sighted people: now their numbers are dwindling. They also reflect on how we listen to and perceive sound and music, and the joy it brings.</p><p>Presenter: Aidan Tulloch
Producers: Maryam Maruf and Emily Webb
Editor: John Goudie
Mix: Giles Aspen</p><p>(Photo: Piano tuner Martin Locke tuning a piano. Credit: Maryam Maruf)</p>


BBC Radio 4

The Last of the Blind Piano Tuners

NOV 18, 202429 MIN

The Last of the Blind Piano Tuners

NOV 18, 202429 MIN


<p>Composer Aidan Tulloch is fascinated by the physical process of making music – but fears he knows very little. He gains a unique insight from some of the most precise and gifted technicians in the country – members of the Association of Blind Piano Tuners. Aidan traces their journey into this field, goes along to their annual curry lunch, and finds out why the highly skilled craft of piano tuning was once a popular career for blind and partially sighted people: now their numbers are dwindling. They also reflect on how we listen to and perceive sound and music, and the joy it brings.</p><p>Presenter: Aidan Tulloch Producers: Maryam Maruf and Emily Webb Editor: John Goudie Mix: Giles Aspen</p><p>(Photo: Piano tuner Martin Locke tuning a piano. Credit: Maryam Maruf)</p>