Sometimes our bodies surprise us; on rare occasions they do things that we didn’t even think were possible. In Episode 3, we dive into the True (...Poo?) Crime genre and discuss a night when my friend Max's body did something truly mysterious. As a poop journalist and a witness of the shocking events in question, I led a thorough investigation to see if we could solve a decade old mystery. 
Created by Ben Castleman
Thank you to our guests Max, Dr. Victoria Garland, Eric and Scott Shalek, Amon Jones and Danny
Scored with original music by Gabe Grand
Cover art by Yeji Kim
Theme song by Matt and Alex Schumann
Consulting Producer: Shane McKeon
Follow us on social:
Instagram: @someonesinhere_podcast
TikTok: @someonesinhere_podcast
YouTube: @someonesinhere_podcast

Someone’s In Here

Ben Castleman

Ep. 3: Transit Anxiety

SEP 3, 202442 MIN
Someone’s In Here

Ep. 3: Transit Anxiety

SEP 3, 202442 MIN


Sometimes our bodies surprise us; on rare occasions they do things that we didn’t even think were possible. In Episode 3, we dive into the True (...Poo?) Crime genre and discuss a night when my friend Max's body did something truly mysterious. As a poop journalist and a witness of the shocking events in question, I led a thorough investigation to see if we could solve a decade old mystery. 




Follow us on social:

Instagram: @someonesinhere_podcast

TikTok: @someonesinhere_podcast

YouTube: @someonesinhere_podcast