From our dark forest of eldritch horrors to yours: Happy Holidaze everyone.   Allison “Sparkles Twinkletoes” Cossitt as Josie Ward Peter “Kringle Glitterballs” Wicks as Halo Rhys Reny “Holly Twinkletoes” Amoros as Anj Narvaez Candace “Blinky Peppermint” McAfee as Agent Diane Ramsey Sarah Doreen “Jolly Tinslepants” MacPhee as Agent Arlene Whitt Bjorn “Cookie Snowybum” Munson as Ray Lester Liam Paul “Twinkle Gingerberry” Gregory as Raiv Volkov Rachael “Holly McFluff” Glasswing as Kelly Jas...

Partial Veil

Ylem Media

All I Want For Christmas Is Shrooms

DEC 16, 202439 MIN
Partial Veil

All I Want For Christmas Is Shrooms

DEC 16, 202439 MIN


From our dark forest of eldritch horrors to yours: Happy Holidaze everyone. 

Allison “Sparkles Twinkletoes” Cossitt as Josie Ward
Peter “Kringle Glitterballs” Wicks as Halo Rhys
Reny “Holly Twinkletoes” Amoros as Anj Narvaez
Candace “Blinky Peppermint” McAfee as Agent Diane Ramsey
Sarah Doreen “Jolly Tinslepants” MacPhee as Agent Arlene Whitt
Bjorn “Cookie Snowybum” Munson as Ray Lester
Liam Paul “Twinkle Gingerberry” Gregory as Raiv Volkov
Rachael “Holly McFluff” Glasswing as Kelly
Jason “Frosty Glitterballs” Tibor as Walter Ross
Livia “Cocoa McSnowball” Zita as Ildiko Kardos

"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" sung by Reny Amoros, arr. by Jakub Zeranski 

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