                    &lt;p dir="ltr"&gt;Are movie stars a thing of the past?&amp;nbsp;Paul Scheer (actor, comedian) and Amy Nicholson (LA Times film critic) &amp;ndash; co-hosts of the&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href="http://unspooledpodcast.com"&gt;Unspooled&lt;/a&gt; podcast &amp;ndash; join Sam to break down why Hollywood stopped making true stars. Gone are the days of Denzel, Julia, and Tom &amp;ndash; now it&amp;rsquo;s all about franchises, streaming, and social media clout. So who&amp;rsquo;s to blame? Studio execs afraid to take risks? IP-obsessed filmmakers? Too many TikTok dance challenges? Sam, Amy, and Paul get into it all &amp;ndash; and then put on their Hollywood exec hats to pitch their own foolproof plan to revive the capital-M Movie Star.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p dir="ltr"&gt;Sign up for&amp;nbsp;&lt;a href="https://www.kcrw.com/culture/shows/the-sam-sanders-show"&gt;Sam&amp;rsquo;s Newsletter&lt;/a&gt; to get behind the scenes stuff from every interview each week.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p dir="ltr"&gt;The Sam Sanders Show is a production of KCRW and Sam Sanders Productions.&lt;/p&gt;

The Sam Sanders Show

KCRW & Sam Sanders

Did Streaming Destroy the Movie Star? Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson on Hollywood’s Big Shift

MAR 14, 202556 MIN
The Sam Sanders Show

Did Streaming Destroy the Movie Star? Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson on Hollywood’s Big Shift

MAR 14, 202556 MIN


<p dir="ltr">Are movie stars a thing of the past?&nbsp;Paul Scheer (actor, comedian) and Amy Nicholson (LA Times film critic) &ndash; co-hosts of the&nbsp;<a href="http://unspooledpodcast.com">Unspooled</a> podcast &ndash; join Sam to break down why Hollywood stopped making true stars. Gone are the days of Denzel, Julia, and Tom &ndash; now it&rsquo;s all about franchises, streaming, and social media clout. So who&rsquo;s to blame? Studio execs afraid to take risks? IP-obsessed filmmakers? Too many TikTok dance challenges? Sam, Amy, and Paul get into it all &ndash; and then put on their Hollywood exec hats to pitch their own foolproof plan to revive the capital-M Movie Star.&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr">Sign up for&nbsp;<a href="https://www.kcrw.com/culture/shows/the-sam-sanders-show">Sam&rsquo;s Newsletter</a> to get behind the scenes stuff from every interview each week.</p> <p dir="ltr">The Sam Sanders Show is a production of KCRW and Sam Sanders Productions.</p>