Ejeris talks with Kelly Hayes, longtime activist, organizer, and writer, to examine how the growth of fascist movements impacts organizers, activists, and the communities most likely to be targeted.

The Fascism Barometer

ejeris@ejerielabs.org (Ejeris Dixon)

What is Fascism? Why should it matter to organizers and activists?

OCT 28, 202438 MIN
The Fascism Barometer

What is Fascism? Why should it matter to organizers and activists?

OCT 28, 202438 MIN


Ejeris talks with Kelly Hayes, longtime activist, organizer, writer, and host of the podcast Movement Memos, to examine how the growth of fascist movements impacts organizers, activists, and the communities most likely to be targeted. Kelly and Ejeris discuss how to engage more people in anti-fascist activism and what actions we all can take.

You can find the tools you need to fight fascism at our Resource Hub.

Connect with Kelly Hayes

Connect with Ejeris Dixon

And when you feel the pressure, share this pod and visit fascismbarometer.org

Podcast production by Phil Surkis

Intro Music by Meklit Hadero

The Fascism Barometer Podcast is an Ejerie Labs Project. Thank you for joining the movement.