<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><br /></div><div id="descript" itemprop="description"><b>With Gwyneth Guthrie, Diana Olsson and Finlay Welsh&nbsp;</b><div><b><br /></b></div><div><b><big>&nbsp;'Twenty  years ago my baby brother was kidnapped and abandoned on a hillside.  The police asked a lot of questions of a lot of people but we never did  find out who did it. Leave it alone, will you. No one can possibly find  the answer now!'&nbsp;</big></b></div><div><b><br /></b></div><div><b>&nbsp;Directed By: Gordon Emslie   BBC Scotland <br /><br />Pauline Browning: -Sheila Donald<br />Sylvia Dunn: Diana Olsson<br />a child: Marry Rrigans: Barrie<br />Emma Forrest: Gwyneth Guthrie<br />Peter Forrest: Finlay Welsh<br />Barrie Browning: Robert Trotter<br />Colin Teviot: Tom Cotcher<br />Dorothy: Isobel Gardne&nbsp;</b></div><div><b><br /></b></div><div><b>&nbsp;Saturday-Night Theatre<br />BBC Radio 4 FM, 14 January 1978 20.30</b></div><div><b>&nbsp;</b></div><div><b><a href="https://archive.org/download/WilliamAndrewTheBestBaby/William%20Andrew%20%20%3DThe%20Best%20Baby.mp3">SNT - The Best Baby by&nbsp; William Andrew (1978).mp3</a> </b></div></div>

Times Past Podcast

Times Past (Times Past)

SNT - The Best Baby by William Andrew (1978)

MAR 10, 2021-1 MIN
Times Past Podcast

SNT - The Best Baby by William Andrew (1978)

MAR 10, 2021-1 MIN


With Gwyneth Guthrie, Diana Olsson and Finlay Welsh 

 'Twenty years ago my baby brother was kidnapped and abandoned on a hillside. The police asked a lot of questions of a lot of people but we never did find out who did it. Leave it alone, will you. No one can possibly find the answer now!' 

 Directed By: Gordon Emslie BBC Scotland

Pauline Browning: -Sheila Donald
Sylvia Dunn: Diana Olsson
a child: Marry Rrigans: Barrie
Emma Forrest: Gwyneth Guthrie
Peter Forrest: Finlay Welsh
Barrie Browning: Robert Trotter
Colin Teviot: Tom Cotcher
Dorothy: Isobel Gardne 

 Saturday-Night Theatre
BBC Radio 4 FM, 14 January 1978 20.30