I Am the True Vine (John 15:1–11)

NOV 29, 202448 MIN
TGC Podcast

I Am the True Vine (John 15:1–11)

NOV 29, 202448 MIN


In his TGCW24 message, David Platt teaches Jesus’s final “I am” statement from John 15:1–11, which Jesus spoke to his disciples on the night he was betrayed.

Jesus calls all believers to abide in him like a branch remains in its vine, drawing everything we need from him. We don’t rely on our obedience to save or sanctify us; we rely on the finished work of Jesus, depending fully on him. Because apart from him, we can do nothing. He is the true vine.

Platt teaches the following:

  • Childlike boldness and the will of God
  • The metaphor of the vine
  • Jesus as the true vine
  • Experiencing abundant life in Jesus
  • The role of prayer and meditation
  • The battle for belief and trust
  • Bearing fruit for the world

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