God Mocks the Sanhedrin as they Rage Against the Lord’s Anointed

AUG 26, 202434 MIN
Endurance on SermonAudio

God Mocks the Sanhedrin as they Rage Against the Lord’s Anointed

AUG 26, 202434 MIN


A new MP3 sermon from <a href="https://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=gracechapelrbc">Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church</a> is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:<BR><BR> <b>Title:</b> God Mocks the Sanhedrin as they Rage Against the Lord’s Anointed<BR> <b>Subtitle:</b> Acts<BR> <b>Speaker:</b> Traever Guingrich<BR> <b>Broadcaster:</b> Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church<BR> <b>Event:</b> Sunday Service<BR> <b>Date:</b> 8/25/2024<BR> <b>Bible:</b> Acts 5:17-32; Psalm 2:2-4<BR> <b>Length:</b> 34 min.