I recommend this slideshow presentation delivered by Delise Sanders at the National Council for History Education Conference in 2008. The conference slides overview information of interest to adolescent learners and include suggestions for integrating Civil War content into classroom activities.

Civil War and Digital Storytelling

christy@keelers.com (Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.)

Listening to the Voices: Using a Child's Perspective to Teach the American Civil War to Adolescents (Delise Sanders)

SEP 11, 2009-1 MIN
Civil War and Digital Storytelling

Listening to the Voices: Using a Child's Perspective to Teach the American Civil War to Adolescents (Delise Sanders)

SEP 11, 2009-1 MIN


I recommend this <a href="http://christykeeler.com/TAH/CivilWar/ListeningToTheVoices_DeliseSanders.ppt">slideshow presentation</a> delivered by <a href="mailto:delise.sanders@sumnerschools.org">Delise Sanders</a> at the <a href="http://www.nche.net/">National Council for History Education</a> Conference in 2008. The conference slides overview information of interest to adolescent learners and include suggestions for integrating Civil War content into classroom activities.