Variety Show ideas!

JUL 3, 2009-1 MIN
Btec Performing Arts @ BSFC

Variety Show ideas!

JUL 3, 2009-1 MIN


Have a look at some of the weird and wonderful acts below as you will be developing your own unique performance next year!Think about the way they have developed skills into something unique and different…

Which do you like? Which would grab the audience attention and why?

What other acts do you think could fit in well? Leave any links to suitable youtube videos in the comments box..

Some old fashioned music hall, the style of theatre from which the variety act grew – At the time of this act, the public were fascinated by egypt and the tombs of pharohs as they were a recent discovery.

Cross dressing has always been a big part of music hall

Cross dressing with puppets and musical instruments! How could you resist watching this….