Judicial Perspective on Changes to Rule 37e on Sanctions

JAN 11, 2016-1 MIN
ESIBytes - E-Discovery Tips by Experts

Judicial Perspective on Changes to Rule 37e on Sanctions

JAN 11, 2016-1 MIN


Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guest the Hon. Paul Grimm, United States District Court Judge from the District of Maryland talk about the new Rule 37(e) on Failure to preserve or spoliation which recently went into effect. While the new rules have been discussed frequently on the e-discovery CLE circuit, since our content is available for fee, we thought it would be good to get these two well-known Judgeâ??s thoughts on the new rules related to preservation and sanctions out there for listening from a wider audience. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT)reviewless.com. To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.