Social Bookmarking

MAR 10, 2009-1 MIN
CSIT70 Web 2.0 Palomar College

Social Bookmarking

MAR 10, 2009-1 MIN


Social Bookmarking is an an online application that is accessible from any computer. It allows you to save and organize Web resources by using "tags" which are searchable and shareable .<br /><br /><br /><br /><a href=""><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5311343897343426306" style="FLOAT: left; MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 179px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 128px" alt="" src="" border="0" /></a>In this class we will explore the many uses of Social Bookmaking, using the popular application<br />"Delicious". We will look at the many facets of sharing using the URLS, tags and the users' contributions.<br /><br /><br /><br /><p style="CLEAR: left"></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><br /><script type="text/javascript">addthis_pub = 'tpelkie';</script><br /><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><br /><br /><blogitemurl></blogitemurl><iframe allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen' webkitallowfullscreen='webkitallowfullscreen' mozallowfullscreen='mozallowfullscreen' width='320' height='266' src='' class='b-hbp-video b-uploaded' frameborder='0'></iframe><br /><br /><a onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" onmouseout="addthis_close()" href=""><img height="16" alt="" src="" width="125" border="0" /></a>