3 Up 3 Down Podcast
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JAN 3, 2011
TOP STORY: NFL PLAYOFF PREVIEW FAN FED: TOP 8 NBA tourney AGREE TO DISAGREE: Xmas gifts and sports resolutions. 3 AND OUT: Coming next week, bold predictions and entertainment review.
39 MIN
DEC 8, 2010
Bye josh Ep: 72
TOP STORY: RAPID FIRE FAN FED: AGREE TO DISAGREE: 3 AND OUT: Coming next week, bold predictions and entertainment review.
36 MIN
NOV 30, 2010
The Heat is so not on . . . Ep: 71
TOP STORY: RAPID FIRE FAN FED: AGREE TO DISAGREE: 3 AND OUT: Coming next week, bold predictions and entertainment review.
29 MIN
NOV 16, 2010
Another top dawg! Ep: 70
TOP STORY: NFL crazy times FAN FED: AGREE TO DISAGREE: 10 Games into the NBA season! 3 AND OUT: Coming next week, bold predictions and entertainment review.
34 MIN
NOV 1, 2010
Free Falling . . . Ep. 69
TOP STORY: NFL Update . . . where are we this season now? Shanny gone mad? FAN FED: AGREE TO DISAGREE: Rapid Fire! 3 AND OUT: Coming next week, bold predictions and entertainment review.
31 MIN
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