Aries Lunar Eclipse Prep 2016

SEP 23, 2015-1 MIN
Conversations to Enlighten and Heal

Aries Lunar Eclipse Prep 2016

SEP 23, 2015-1 MIN

Description Aries Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 7:50pm PT September 27th Recap 2015 & Preview 2016 with Vedic astrologer and Tarot Master Mo Abdelbaki. While you’re here remember to subscribe so you never miss a show!<br> ABOUT MO ABDELBAKI: Through his lifelong quest into all things metaphysical and working with thousands of clients worldwide Mo has developed his keen intuitive ability and accuracy with forecasts.</br> A student of esoteric wisdom for more than 50 years Mo Abdelbaki’s intensive studies have encompassed Tarot, Vedic Astrology, I-Ching, Hermetic Qabalism, Runes and numerous other spiritual systems of divination. Mo hosts his own weekly radio show and writes a weekly astrology column:<br>