<description>Hi! Belated happy new year. As we get into February I wanted to post an update about what I&amp;#8217;ve been up to regarding Lou Reads. I have slowly, but surely, working on moving all the original episodes to YouTube. I had been working with a plug-in for Final Cut Pro X but the last update &amp;#8230; &lt;a href="https://loureads.com/2022/02/04/2022-update-youtube-project-continues-slowly-plus-f-plus/" class="more-link"&gt;Continue reading&lt;span class="screen-reader-text"&gt; "2022 Update! YouTube Project Continues Slowly plus F Plus."&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</description>

Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!

Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!

2022 Update! YouTube Project Continues Slowly plus F Plus.

FEB 4, 2022-1 MIN
Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!

2022 Update! YouTube Project Continues Slowly plus F Plus.

FEB 4, 2022-1 MIN


Hi! Belated happy new year. As we get into February I wanted to post an update about what I’ve been up to regarding Lou Reads. I have slowly, but surely, working on moving all the original episodes to YouTube. I had been working with a plug-in for Final Cut Pro X but the last update broke it. After waiting for several months for the plug-in maker to update the thing I finally caved and got a legit subscription to Creative Cloud. So, One again I’ll be posting old episodes of Lou Reads to YouTube for archival purposes. https://youtu.be/Yg7UlF3KHlo

In other news, I was on a fairly recent episode of The F Plus. If you’d like to hear me reading about SPLOSHING (smearing food all over yourself for sexual pleasure) then please check it out over here! https://thefpl.us/episode/364

Professionally I haven’t been doing many recordings during the pandemic. Although, I did do another VO for the VR game INTO THE RADIUS.

I have also written for the Apex Legends esports broadcasts.

And finally, I’m still streaming on Twitch and posting the highlights on Tiktok. This remains my current, most consistent creative output. Stop by Twitch.tv/loureads if you’re interested in chatting or watching me play fake baseball! It is fun.