Delta Park Gets Lost Podcast | Season: 2
Jason and Anna
A great LOST show from the Pop Culture Gurus of the Delta Park Project.
Recent Episodes
MAY 25, 2006
Lost 2-23
'Live Together, Die Alone' - S02E23 - Holy Smokes! The Button is real and makes planes crash, Michael gets a boat and Walt. The Others get Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Plus we know the date and realize the outside world is still there and looking for the island!
35 MIN
MAY 18, 2006
Lost 2-22
'Three Minutes' - S02E22 - We travel back 13 days and discover what Michael saw and why he is lying. We also get to talk with Walt again and lots of Other Speak. And a Boat?
25 MIN
MAY 11, 2006
Lost 2-21
'?' - S02E21 - Eko has a very telling dream and takes Locke out to find the ? in the middle of the Hatch Map. We also learn a little secret about Claire's psychic and Libby bites the big one.
27 MIN
MAY 5, 2006
Lost 2-20
'Two for the Road' - S02E20 - Everyone Stay Calm!! We are going to be just fine. What a show. Michael has been to see The Others and drank some of their Kool-aid. Plus an Ana + Sawyer Hookup and Hurley decides to 'Say Anything'.
19 MIN
APR 27, 2006
Lost X6
'Season 2 So Far' - XTRA6 - Jason and Anna reflect back on their favorite moments from Season 2. Cody, Brian and James give their thoughts on the Season Finale. We get some feedback for S.O.S. from Tyler and Thom plus some ideas about Henry Gale. We also touch on some Lost News and other fun stuff.
19 MIN
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