Tonight we will chat with The Spirited Diva's (Detroit) and S-H-E-M-A Gurls (Nationwide) own Karen Brown about her newly released debut "Little Mirror - A Personal Journey"...A book of poetry.

She will share how she pledged her dream of self publishing a book of poetry and the obstacles she encountered before she finally made her dream a reality. She notes that this is her starting point...she's only just begun.

The Spirited Divas

The Spirited Divas

Interview with New Author Karen Brown

MAR 21, 201060 MIN
The Spirited Divas

Interview with New Author Karen Brown

MAR 21, 201060 MIN


Tonight we will chat with The Spirited Diva's (Detroit) and S-H-E-M-A Gurls (Nationwide) own Karen Brown about her newly released debut "Little Mirror - A Personal Journey"...A book of poetry. She will share how she pledged her dream of self publishing a book of poetry and the obstacles she encountered before she finally made her dream a reality. She notes that this is her starting point...she's only just begun.