Dominic Sims Interview by Taylor Huff

JUL 20, 20098 MIN
Ecofactory Podcast

Dominic Sims Interview by Taylor Huff

JUL 20, 20098 MIN


<p>As the Chief Operating Officer for the International Code Council, Dominic Sims is responsible for the long term strategic planning for the membership organization whose focus is building safety. During his session at Green Building Focus, Sims will be discussing the future of green building codes, which he says has become “a burning issue at the state and local level.” Listen as he talks about the ICC’s new green construction code, which the council launched last month.</p> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/sites/all/modules/audio/players/1pixelout.swf" width="290" height="24" > <param name="movie" value="/sites/all/modules/audio/players/1pixelout.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="" /> <embed src="/sites/all/modules/audio/players/1pixelout.swf" flashvars="" width="290" height="24" /> </object><br />8:35 minutes (7.86 MB)