FCV102 Good News about Kids and Video Games, Dr. Rachel Kowert

MAR 13, 201816 MIN
Family Confidential: Secrets of Successful Parenting with Annie Fox, M.Ed.

FCV102 Good News about Kids and Video Games, Dr. Rachel Kowert

MAR 13, 201816 MIN


When computer games are a problem for parents, it's usually because a child/teen has become obsessed and no longer shows interest in "family time." Even when family time isn't impacted, parents may have other questions like: • "Is my child addicted to computer games?" • "Are violent games encouraging my child to be violent and/or desensitizing him to violence?" • "Is all this screen time hurting my child's social development?" Dr. Rachel Kowert, psychologist, online gamer, and author of "A Parent's Guide to Video Games: The essential guide to understanding how video games impact your child's physical, social, and psychological well-being", makes a strong case for the positive impact of computer games and why parents may not need to worry about their kids' love of gaming. About Dr. Rachel Kowert (@DrRachelKowert) Dr. Kowert's research is primarily focused on the social impact of online games. This includes addressing the anecdotal claim that online game players are socially different/deficient as compared to offline or non-players, examining the impact of online video game play on offline friendship networks, and evaluating the tangible social benefits of online game play. Learn more at http://RKowert.com Copyright © 2009-2018 Annie Fox and Electric Eggplant. All Rights Reserved.