David McCready - Astral Projection and seeking higher awareness
NOV 7, 202034 MIN
David McCready - Astral Projection and seeking higher awareness
NOV 7, 202034 MIN
<p><img src="https://d2c7tf17641mn2.cloudfront.net/GroupTopicImage/ac14b24d-74a0-46ec-b1a9-0f475a769a76.jpg" alt="ac14b24d-74a0-46ec-b1a9-0f475a769a76"/>
<br />Welcome to EnjoyHolistic.com interview series with inspirational holistic and spiritual teachers.</p>
<p>Today we have David McCready, the author of Real Alien Worlds Volumes 1 to 7 and The Great Simulator parts 1,2 and 3 and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.</p>
<p>David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.</p>
<p>David's experiences have taken him to higher astral worlds and beyond into the non-physical, beyond the human form or ego.</p>
<p>He has also experienced other parallel worlds and human civilizations and brought back a wealth of spiritual knowledge to assist others in doing so too.We will touch on many subjects in this show but endeavor dig deeper into other subjects in future recordings.</p>