Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides.co.uk network radio show with your host Mark Chatterton. Today we are pleased to welcome back on the show, Lorna Byrne from Ireland. Lorna has been seeing and speaking to angels all her life and her best selling book, Angels in My Hair brought Lorna’s story to millions of people world wide. She has recently just had her fourth book published called, Love from Heaven, which we are going to discuss today. So a warm welcome to you Lorna.

TheSpiritGuides.co.uk Network Radio

TheSpiritGuides.co.uk Radio

Lorna Byrne - Love from Heaven - Interview with TheSpiritGuides

NOV 7, 202033 MIN
TheSpiritGuides.co.uk Network Radio

Lorna Byrne - Love from Heaven - Interview with TheSpiritGuides

NOV 7, 202033 MIN


<p><img src="https://www.thespiritguides.co.uk/ArticleImages/13170_1.jpg" alt="13170_1"/> <br />Hello and welcome to the Spirit Guides.co.uk network radio show with your host Mark Chatterton. Today we are pleased to welcome back on the show, Lorna Byrne from Ireland. Lorna has been seeing and speaking to angels all her life and her best selling book, Angels in My Hair brought Lorna’s story to millions of people world wide. She has recently just had her fourth book published called, Love from Heaven, which we are going to discuss today. So a warm welcome to you Lorna.</p> <p>Let’s begin by talking about the title of your new book, Love from Heaven, which is all about Love as a force. Do you mean a physical or a spiritual force?</p> <p>You haven’t mentioned Love in this sense before in your books, so why now?</p> <p>You talk in the book about how all humans have love in them, yet many of us lock away this love, due to lots of things like hurt or anger early on in our lives. How can the listeners help people like this who have locked away the love that is in them?</p> <p>Does this mean that people we think of as evil leaders are not necessarily evil, but it’s just that the love that is within them is locked away so deeply that it is never shown in their lives?</p> <p>Quite often when you describe what a guardian angel looks like, you describe them as wearing armour. Does this in some way reflect the mood of the human they are connected to, or does it mean that the angels are in some sort of battle taking place?</p> <p>In Love from Heaven there is a whole chapter on the environment, especially on the hole in the ozone layer.</p> <p>People seem to have forgotten that particular problem. What should we be doing to try and stop this getting worse?</p> <p>You also mention Fracking which many politicians see as a solution to the world’s energy needs. Yet there are so many problems caused by fracking in places like America and Australia, such as water coming out of the taps that you can set alight with a match. It seems that the people in charge don’t care about what happens to the planet and are more interested in making money.</p> <p>Later on the book, you mention how jealousy eats away at people, yet competition is not at all bad. I would say that competition is quite a negative thing as it divides people and turns them away from each other, not in as strong a way as jealousy, but it is till a divisive force.</p> <p>In the past couple of years or so, it would seem that the world has become more violent again, with conflicts in Syria, Africa and now more recently in Iraq. Are the angels trying to stop all this from happening?</p> <p>What can we be doing to help the world become a better place?</p> <p>What plans have you got for the future?</p>